March! Life moves fast, I can't believe this year is 1/4 over already!
Freya chilling wit her homie
the family makes a pilgrimage to the St. Patty's parade, this year was their 50th parade!
Spring break for Zoe, we packed the week with activities...
Zoe and Kimone with the rest of our gang at the zoo
Waiting for sister at soccer practice, eatin some dirt
Zoe's legs and friends, watching go carts at the mini golf place
Simone and I blew up a baby water park, woohoo! Mommy wine time in the backyard!
and a much overdue trip to the museum...

Things are really warming up here in Colorado, flowers are coming up and the trees are of course I'm anticipating 4 feet of snow anytime now :) Claus is still working hard on his project in PA, and the girls and I are chugging along here at the homestead. Hopefully we'll get some raised planters in this spring, get some garden going. Big hugs to you and yours! Until next month...
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