we finally get to meet Paul, Lene, Alfred and Holly
Zoe's beautiful photography...on a walk in Fredericia
Claus' mor mor Edith
Copenhagen Zoo with Suzanne and kiddos
and back at Suzanne and Magnus' house for a few days...Zoe hanging out with Herbert!
time for New Year fireworks! I should post the video I took, yes, the eye wear is necessary.
Happy New Year!
enjoying the last of our Danish hot dogs for a while
Freya's birthday!
The twins' birthday a few days later!
and mor mor Edith's 90th birthday party!
complete with kooky skit by kooky family members!
We are so happy we had the chance to visit with family, and spend a little more time in Denmark this year. What a wonderful trip, can't wait to go back and see everyone again! Happy New Year!