Birthday Party! Who'd a thought I'd make it to 30?

Freya Pants in Larsen knits (knit by Inge-Lise)

Sister love

A new flock! Our remaining 5 chickens were eaten in the middle of the night mid-winter, not sure how they disappeared, but they did :( So we decided to get chicks this year! We got 4 Anconas, 2 Production Reds, 4 Black Sex Links and 2 Brown Leghorns. We are having so much fun watching them grow (and boy, Stew was lonely too)

Zoe's soccer team wraps up for the season...

Daddy monster!

The girls and I went to the museum with Kari & Kiddos... here we are doin the cafe message train!

And little man Zev graduated kindergarten! Congrats! Here he is cutting a rug...

Zoe's soccer team wraps up for the season...

Daddy monster!

The girls and I went to the museum with Kari & Kiddos... here we are doin the cafe message train!

And little man Zev graduated kindergarten! Congrats! Here he is cutting a rug...


I think that just about wraps it up! The girls and I are looking forward to a drive to Laguna Beach in a few weeks, and otherwise enjoying Summer!