Sunday, May 29, 2011


Birthday Party! Who'd a thought I'd make it to 30?

Freya Pants in Larsen knits (knit by Inge-Lise)

Sister love

A new flock! Our remaining 5 chickens were eaten in the middle of the night mid-winter, not sure how they disappeared, but they did :( So we decided to get chicks this year! We got 4 Anconas, 2 Production Reds, 4 Black Sex Links and 2 Brown Leghorns. We are having so much fun watching them grow (and boy, Stew was lonely too)

Zoe's soccer team wraps up for the season...

Daddy monster!

The girls and I went to the museum with Kari & Kiddos... here we are doin the cafe message train!

And little man Zev graduated kindergarten! Congrats! Here he is cutting a rug...



I think that just about wraps it up! The girls and I are looking forward to a drive to Laguna Beach in a few weeks, and otherwise enjoying Summer!

Sunday, May 1, 2011


family :)

Barbara modeling the cowl I made for my birthday swap on Ravelry!

my yarny ladies...

Billie came to visit!

Anita, one of The Lamb Shoppe owners, and Freya nugget

Easter eggs!

Claus' birthday, made him a German chocolate cake :) complete with smurfs

Easter brunch at Inverness, best buffet in the world!

and naked baby!

Claus has been busy at work, and is enjoying the weekends with us! Julie has been busy being domestic matriarch and practicing the saxophone (and knitting of course!). Zoe just got a guitar, and will start lessons soon. She has been getting A's and B's in school and giving her teacher a run for his money...Freya is starting to grasp toys and hair and skin, and has mastered the pinch. She is now busy discovering toes...

onward May! See you soon!