Friday, December 31, 2010


Don't even know anymore...just big

Janina made me a little baby shower at The Lamb Shoppe, I made sheep cupcakes :)

And picking our first Christmas tree together!

We live very close to a fabulous little nursery, Picadilly Nursery, and found us the perfect tree there.


Claus' new stocking :) He thinks stockings are the strangest tradition and doesn't understand it at all...which is ok, I don't get the dancing around the tree singing thing so we're even

Zoe belly art

Dinner! Chef BoyarClaus cooked (thank God) and made Turduckant (turducken with pheasant instead of chicken) it was a real to-do and turned out perfect!

Merry Christmas!

Wednesday, December 15, 2010

pregnant with freya

Good friend and photographer took these, check her out at Vivika's Photography

Tuesday, November 30, 2010



Zoe's 9th Birthday party and sleepover!

and Zoe's actual birthday with family, Claus made her a HUGE beautiful sugar-filled layer cake...

I got my swappie stocking in the mail! What a thoughtful swappie I have!

And of course Thanksgiving...didn't take too many pictures of the meal, gettin too big to care lately (so tired!)

Turkey coma

Sunday, October 31, 2010

september and october


On the knitting front, here is my swappie stocking (on Ravelry) to be sent out soon!

ps-my Sexy is sexier than yours ;)

We went to Taste of Colorado this year...haven't been in a while, and we had a lot of fun! Strange day though, we came back to a long heartfelt letter from the parking attendant on my windshield and afterward when we went to meet a friend for coffee, a skateboarder landed on my car at a stop sign and almost scared the baby out of me...caused a lot of damage too.

And baby at 21 weeks!

and 27 weeks...

Funky Town all healed up and gaining weight!

we had Janina and Rob over for dinner...

Zoe as dead princess for Halloween

and random Fall fun!

Uncle Brian as DJ Deadmau5...awesome

and hangin wit the fur turds...